No, thank you
I got my first literary rejection in June 2005 at a table for two. This was no anonymous letter, either. I was seated on a white folding chair, poorly balanced on a grassy hillside of our writer’s retreat, wearing scratchy slacks and stiff sandals bought for the occasion. The tanned lady flipped through my first five pages with the casualness of a seasoned Los Angeles literary agent, which she was. “I won’t drag this out,” I remember her saying. “It’s not ready. I’m the wrong agent for this.” Was there a right agent for a work that was not ready? I din’t know, but I was willing to find out. Over the next 8 years, I sent copies of my manuscripts to 72 agents, editors, and publishers. Each one, in their own special way, said “Thank you, but no.” Here are some of the most memorable rejections: “We do not feel strongly enough about your project to pursue it further.” “I honestly don’t feel that I could represent your work with the requisite enthusiasm.” “You have a good idea, but I am not the right agent for this.” “Although you propose an interesting book idea, I did not feel I would be the best agent to represent you at this time.” “After considering your material, we have decided your project is not something we feel we can successfully represent at this time.” “That you for letting us review CONTROL GROUP, which we read with great interest. Unfortunately, we have determined that we are not the appropriate agent.” “I’m sorry to say it’s not right for me.” “I’m afraid I must pass.” “While the idea was interesting and thought provoking, the thriller just did not grab our attention.” “I’ve had a good first reading of CONTROL GROUP, so I’ll be reading the novel myself in the next few weeks” [November 2005] “I’ve finally had a chance to read CONTROL GROUP. The premise is good and the background material is solid. In the end, the tone is too Cincinnati—medical thrillers have to be so slick, even if the reality is not.” [December 2005] and finally… “In my view, I don’t think I—or any agent—will succeed in New York with CONTROL GROUP. It does have a surface readability and some tension, too, but I just didn’t get involved with the characters.” [December 2008] Wow. What a long list of literary shortcomings. more